Mike Bromage is the creator of the irreverent comic Dust Piggies. It centers around the life and times of a group of hamsters and no subject is sacred! I am a big fan of his comic and I look forward to what subject he tackles in his daily posts!
Click here to see a guest comic I created for Mike.
Great cartoon, Mike!
Before seeing it was a guest comic, I swear I was thinking “this looks JUST like Dust piggies”
I know! I went to my site this morning and for a second I thought, “Hey, how’d I get to Dustpiggies?”
Way to go, Mike! I like it!
Vinnie in the Dust Piggies universe? Haha, love it, Mike!
It’s funny, Mark, the first time I came to my site after Mike’s comic posted I thought I accidentally went to the Dustpiggies page!
Man!! I like it!
Mike definitely has a style of his own!
I see Vinnie’s quite the decorator with new wallpaper an all!
He called the Mike Bromage Design Group for help on that one Joseph!