Masked Mistake! Oct30 by Tim on October 30, 2013 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics I don’t blame Vinnie for jumping to conclusions here!
Ha! Sonny pulled the ‘ol switcharoo.
Street hockey never hurt anyone…well, it’s probably hurt a few…
Sunny has given Vinnie a case of the Scaredy Cats! I bet Vinnie can’t wait until Halloween is over!
This is very true! At this point it is better for him to be safe than sorry!
Watch out for some high sticking, she don’t need no stink’n machete.
A hockey stick to the face doesn’t appeal to anyone!
Although street hockey with machetes would be interesting. And not even THAT much more violent than regular street hockey! And I know, cuz I’m Canadian, eh?
She’s only got one fang, it would be a shame to see it knocked out!
You got Vinnie on pins and needles now. Or did that already happen?
Don’t give Sunny any more ideas!
He that fights and runs away, may turn and fight another day!
I don’t know how much fight he’s got in him, Mark!