Just when you thought it would be cool to have a baby sister.
He got way more than he bargained for!
Ack! Now that is going to always be in my head!
I will never listen to babies the same again.
I’ve been kicked in the nads by babies waaay to much to trust them!
Evil comes in such cute little packages.
Devil in a black dress!
Cute little beast she is!
She wants to gum your neck!
Aww… they look soo cute!
Cute, cuddly and thirsty!
Out of the minds of babes.
I often wonder what babies are plotting behind those chubby, little cheeks.
Just wait ’til her baby fangs grow in! Then you’re in trouble!
I’d hate to see that teething ring bill!
I make the same mistake….er did I say that out loud?
I hope I stay on our good side!
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Just when you thought it would be cool to have a baby sister.
He got way more than he bargained for!
Ack! Now that is going to always be in my head!
I will never listen to babies the same again.
I’ve been kicked in the nads by babies waaay to much to trust them!
Evil comes in such cute little packages.
Devil in a black dress!
Cute little beast she is!
She wants to gum your neck!
Aww… they look soo cute!
Cute, cuddly and thirsty!
Out of the minds of babes.
I often wonder what babies are plotting behind those chubby, little cheeks.
Just wait ’til her baby fangs grow in! Then you’re in trouble!
I’d hate to see that teething ring bill!
I make the same mistake….er did I say that out loud?
I hope I stay on our good side!