Don’t worry, twenty years will feel like a hundred with Sunny around!
D’awwww! Cheer up lil guy! Maybe you can get some vamp blood!
Hmmmm, now there’s a thought…
Burn the candle at both ends and make those 20 years count!
So when my cat catches a bat, it should live longer? Why does it twitch for a while and then not move?
Sometimes mother nature can be a cruel mistress…
Awww… but don’t worry, Belfry! You’ve made yourself immortal by being in a comic!
Good point!
Who wants to live forever, anyway?
I’ve seen that movie “Death Becomes Her!” It ain’t pretty!
Awww poor Belfry! (that last panel is so sad!)
He’s a very small bat in a very big world!
Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress when she wants to be.
Yeah, it’s always made me sad to think a dog is old and gray at fifteen!
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Don’t worry, twenty years will feel like a hundred with Sunny around!
D’awwww! Cheer up lil guy! Maybe you can get some vamp blood!
Hmmmm, now there’s a thought…
Burn the candle at both ends and make those 20 years count!
So when my cat catches a bat, it should live longer? Why does it twitch for a while and then not move?
Sometimes mother nature can be a cruel mistress…
Awww… but don’t worry, Belfry! You’ve made yourself immortal by being in a comic!
Good point!
Who wants to live forever, anyway?
I’ve seen that movie “Death Becomes Her!” It ain’t pretty!
Awww poor Belfry!
(that last panel is so sad!)
He’s a very small bat in a very big world!
Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress when she wants to be.
Yeah, it’s always made me sad to think a dog is old and gray at fifteen!