Today starts a series that involves Vinnie’s quest for a concert ticket to his favorite band, the “Hemoglobins”. Hopefully he’ll survive the journey
Today starts a series that involves Vinnie’s quest for a concert ticket to his favorite band, the “Hemoglobins”. Hopefully he’ll survive the journey
This is straight out of my life! My son wanted a ticket to a rock concert, we got it for him but cutting the lawn several times over the summer is the payment.
This is the way of life and, apparently, the afterlife
Suck it up kid. At least you can fly to the concert (Vinne can fly, right?). I had to carpool in rented wrecks just to drive 6 hours to see a concert.
Vinnie would rather walk, but I think he would make an exception for The Hemoglobins!
The hand of JUST-ice strikes again!
…and Mom just makes it that much more painful!
Hee hee, can I just say how adorable Vinnie looks in the first panel when he’s all excited? So cute!!
Vinnie doesn’t show that side very often..just for “The Hemoglobins” and Val
You can’t squeeze blood out of a rock (‘n’ roll)!
I’m sure these guys have tried!
Nothing’s for free, even in the afterlife
I think I saw their cover band…the HemoGoblins!
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Do the Hemoglobins open up for Type O Negative?
That would be an awesome show!
And did mom say anything about his punishment being “just”?
What Mom says…GOES!