Belfry looks so wicked behind that bowl!
Haha. Belfry is like the NSA up in here.
He’s only a bad @$$ when the other guy is smaller!
Now I want to see these two team up and fight crime.
Good cop, soggy cop!
A little known cartoon fact, Parana are funny and bats are cracked. Put them together and what do you get? fish and chips.
Tartar sauce…that was funny!
Life etiquette is not mine
I got kicked out of finishing school.
Belfry must’ve taken some pointers from Bob! Good show, ol’ bat! We know you’re all flap and no fright! :OP
“Pick on someone your own size” is not in his vocabulary!
Fish don’t get comics. Fact.
They may get wrapped in the funnies now and then…
Piranhas aren’t really known for their couth.
No argument from me about that, Mark!
Not sure, Tim, but I think I may have learned more about fish from this comic than ever before in my entire life. So, it’s fun AND educational.
Thanks Vince! I try to do a little research now and then!
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Belfry looks so wicked behind that bowl!
Haha. Belfry is like the NSA up in here.
He’s only a bad @$$ when the other guy is smaller!
Now I want to see these two team up and fight crime.
Good cop, soggy cop!
A little known cartoon fact, Parana are funny and bats are cracked. Put them together and what do you get? fish and chips.
Tartar sauce…that was funny!
Life etiquette is not mine
I got kicked out of finishing school.
Belfry must’ve taken some pointers from Bob! Good show, ol’ bat! We know you’re all flap and no fright! :OP
“Pick on someone your own size” is not in his vocabulary!
Fish don’t get comics. Fact.
They may get wrapped in the funnies now and then…
Piranhas aren’t really known for their couth.
No argument from me about that, Mark!
Not sure, Tim, but I think I may have learned more about fish from this comic than ever before in my entire life. So, it’s fun AND educational.
Thanks Vince! I try to do a little research now and then!