Precisely why I love kids’ drawings. Come to think of it, though, there was always one perfect kid (usually a girl) who colored so perfectly in the lines that it looked impossible. I’m still jealous of that ability.
I hated coloring books as a kid. I could never get the hang of coloring in the same direction. All my hand-coloring looks like it was done by Norman Bates.
Yeah Sunny, I still have trouble with that! Thank goodness for Photoshop!
Ain’t that the truth!
I bet she thinks outside the box too.
The same one she sleeps in!
The Sunny will come out tomorrow…
Screw that! Think outside the box..err… lines.
Sunny tore the box to pieces!
Rules and crayons were meant to be broken.
Just don’t break the red ones!
Precisely why I love kids’ drawings. Come to think of it, though, there was always one perfect kid (usually a girl) who colored so perfectly in the lines that it looked impossible. I’m still jealous of that ability.
Yeah, I remember that kid too!
Hahahah, that’s great! If you’ve seen my comic you know I never learned that either!
I always encourage coloring outside the lines!
I hated coloring books as a kid. I could never get the hang of coloring in the same direction. All my hand-coloring looks like it was done by Norman Bates.
Ha! That would be some fun coloring pages to see!