Impale Oct15 by Tim on October 15, 2012 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics To see more comics with Van Heelslug click here and here.
I see your stake and raise you a beating!
I think the stakes are to high for me, Brad!
Great action shot on the second frame. I love it!
Thanks, Julian, I liked how that frame turned out myself!
When is it ever okay to impale somebody… (keeping it clean)
I’m sure consenting adults use plastic to impale each other all the time! Thanks for keeping it clean.
Vinnie may need more than Zantac for that acid reflux attack.
He may need a shot of “Milk of Amnesia” to forget about the whole thing!
Plastic poisoning
Is that anything like maxing out a credit card?
Sorry, Vinnie! I had to laugh!
It’s okay, he’ll make a full recovery!
Sunny is the ultimate case of heartburn!
Pepto Dismal to the rescue!
Loving the costume Sunny has! That rocks! …I also suspect they’ll be a full on Vinnie temper tantrum in a matter of seconds.
Thank you and….yes!
Everything about this makes me love your comic more than I already did.
Thank you sir!
Vampire kids play some pretty rough games. This was pretty cool to showcase that everyone in this series IS supposed to be somewhat immortal.
Every once in a while I like to remind everyone that my characters are vampires.
Gosh she really plays a bit too rough. Need a bandaid Vinnie???
Haha! She’s just a typical preschooler in my world!