If The Costume Fits… Oct09 by Tim on October 9, 2012 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics I want to give a shout out to my daughter, it’s her birthday today! To see the Halloween comic that ran one year ago today, click here.
That’s my favorite place to keep my internal organs too!
4 out of 5 physicians recommend keeping your internal organs inside!
That’s speculation! Nothing has been proved!
Belfry’s Halloween spirit is willing, but his flesh is weak!
Yeah, at least his heart is in it…the suit, it’s holding it in place!
Aww poor Belfry! He just wants to share the halloween spirit!
It’s hard in a family full of grumps!
I support the Winged Bat’s mission to spread the Halloween spirit.
Thanks for joining the movement!
It’s a movement? Do we get membership cards?
I’ll need to see some I.D…..
Ah, so the costume is for safety as well as good looks!
At least it’s good for something!
Bob = 1 – Wingedbat = 0