Hiding Out Jul03 by Tim on July 3, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics Click the previous arrow to read the first comic in this series!
If you look on Wikipedia under “mean little kid” you will find a picture of Sunny
The meanest little kids are the ones who have no idea they are mean!
Me thinks Sunny would fight him for the job… and win.
I’m not sure if she plays the fiddle, but I’m sure there are other ways!
Satan wants nothing to do with sunny, too scary!
…and besides…she has no soul to steal!
Vinnie needs a better hiding spot – from Sunny!
I agree, Joseph, hiding in a coffin was a little unimaginative!
He needs a full on crypt or something!
There ain’t one big enough to hide from Sunny!
Satan? Why doesn’t Vinnie refer to him by what Sunny calls him…Dad!
He must be in denial!
Sunny can’t keep her lid shut!
Vinnie wants to nail it shut…
Looks like Sunny already picked her summer job!
Sunny the summer snitch!
Ah sisters are a pain in the neck! (whether they happen to be vampires or not!)
I have two older sisters and I concur!