You don’t see to many blue skies in this comic. During the day, when vampires are tucked away from the sun, Bob is there. Occasionally you’ll get a peek at what makes this callous canine tick.
You don’t see to many blue skies in this comic. During the day, when vampires are tucked away from the sun, Bob is there. Occasionally you’ll get a peek at what makes this callous canine tick.
When your mouth fills with your victims entrails… it’s a good day.
Bob really dives into his work!
I guess dogs and vampires are both carnivores!
The only thing he likes better than meat is peanut butter!
Does he have a hard time remembering where he buried the humans?
He just needs to bone up on his people skills.
You’d think he’d devoured enough femurs for that by now!
I like Bob. He is very intellectual for a dog. Plus, he has scary-sharp teeth.
Thanks, Julian, flattery will keep you alive with this canine
You can’t argue with a pup who knows what he likes.
I wouldn’t argue with Bob at all!
Who wants a nice family anyway?
Yeah, nice families are overrated.
Nothing beats a good belly rub
I love it when they kick their back leg
Bob’s got his jaws locked on his life. Don’t think he’ll be letting go anytime soon.
I think he’s found his calling