Involuntary servitude! Good thing I didn’t have an uncle in the coffin retail business. Whew!
Cute coffin hat Vinnie!
Vinnie lives to serve against his will…well not exactly live…you know what I mean.
Sunny is always there to set him on fire.
That’s what I was thinking!
I think I had this job. Enjoy your time away from it Vinnie!
He’ll welcome another school year with open arms!
start looking for a job now.
I’m not making this up. I need to find a job. Does Vampa need help this fall? PLEEEEEEZZZZ???
He’ll have you over for dinner to discuss it.
There’s always time for more agony!
Squeezed between misery and hopelessness!
Why does every job that Vinnie gets require him to wear a stupid uniform?
Stupid jobs = stupid uniforms…it’s basic math!
You’d better join the Peace Corps next summer, Vinnie. It’s a whole lot easier.
…and I’m sure the uniform is much nicer!
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Involuntary servitude! Good thing I didn’t have an uncle in the coffin retail business. Whew!
Cute coffin hat Vinnie!
Vinnie lives to serve against his will…well not exactly live…you know what I mean.
Sunny is always there to set him on fire.
That’s what I was thinking!
I think I had this job. Enjoy your time away from it Vinnie!
He’ll welcome another school year with open arms!
start looking for a job now.
I’m not making this up. I need to find a job. Does Vampa need help this fall? PLEEEEEEZZZZ???
He’ll have you over for dinner to discuss it.
There’s always time for more agony!
Squeezed between misery and hopelessness!
Why does every job that Vinnie gets require him to wear a stupid uniform?
Stupid jobs = stupid uniforms…it’s basic math!
You’d better join the Peace Corps next summer, Vinnie. It’s a whole lot easier.
…and I’m sure the uniform is much nicer!