I started this website with a handful of black & white comics and a dream in my heart. I can’t believe one year and 155 comics later I’m still going at it! I have had so much support and encouragement and I’ll forever be grateful to you all. I’m so proud of the direction the comic is going and I hope you guys will keep commenting and motivating me because I need all the help I can get!
Woo! Happy birthday Vinnie!
…and wishes for a speedy recovery!
Looks like Sunny thought of a new innovation for birthday bumps! Congrats!
Happy Birthday! Hope there is delicious candy within!
Happy Birthday!
Finally…we get to see some blood. Congrats on year one
Thank you so much for your support!
Happy Birthday!
Thank you, Carlo!
Congrats on year one!
Thanks very much and thank you for reading the comic!
Reminds me of birthdays at my house haha.
I bet your party’s were a hit, then!
Happy birthday by the way. (blows streamers)
Thank you!
I notice Sunny is not wearing the traditional bandana to cover her eyes, so she’ll see exactly where she’s hitting! Congrats on your first year, Tim! Getting better and better!
Her football shaped head made the bandana look strange, so I just let her go commando!
I can’t thank you enough for your support this first year, Mark! Thank you!
How did I miss this monumental event?! A thousand apologies, O Bloodless One.
Happy Birthday, Vinnie! I hope Sunny knocks something good and tasty outta ya.
Thanks, George! I think she’s gonna knock the taste out of his mouth!