Halloween can conjure up some scary imagery! Ghosts, goblins and, of course…monsters, especially nine hundred year old naked vampires…nobody needs to see that!
Halloween can conjure up some scary imagery! Ghosts, goblins and, of course…monsters, especially nine hundred year old naked vampires…nobody needs to see that!
Oh, our eyes! Once seen, this cannot be unseen… The silver lining is that someone talked just in time to prevent us from getting the full frontal assault.
Haha! Mom saved us all!
Ahhhhhhhh, flashbacks, Christmas ’83….grandma….put on a gown!
Wrinkles and liver spots…universally reviled!
Oy, that is scary.
I need you to sign this disclaimer…
Actually, I heard that is the exact same costume they are recommending for women next year. They have gone as far as they can with skimpy – now they are going nude!
I better buy some good candy this year!
Is that Woody from Toy Story?, or are you just happy to see me?
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a….aw forget it…we could do this all day!
Excellent title for this strip Vinnie!
Thanks, Bill! I was hoping someone would catch that!
Vampa will rise again
There’s not enough Viagra on Earth…
Vampa’s literally gone nuts!
Haha! You said a mouthful there…eeew…
I need to wash my eyes out now!!!
The only thing creepier is your comic, Kris!
His fangs aren’t the only things Vampa’s baring…!
Thank goodness for mom’s quickly placed comment!
The horror!! And I mean that. You finally, really and truly worked the horror into the strip!
Okay, you’ve done that before. Kind of a lot! 
I appreciate the naked truth, Chris!
I got instant cataracts by looking at this :OP
A fright for the sight!