Halloween Spirit Oct02 by Tim on October 2, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics C’mon, Vinnie, get with the program and embrace the Halloween spirit! └ Tags: halloweener
Look at the bright side Vinnie, it’s not like you have to go caroling!
Shhhh….Sunny might write some Halloween carols…
Trust me, I require no halloween beatings to put up decorations!
Same here, Michael! It’s really a shame that only about a third of my neighborhood bothers with decorations.
Hang Sunny from the flagpole, that would be a great decoration !!
Haha!I’d give that a salute!
Is it time to get ready for Santa Spook already?
Ho Ho Halloween!
Ah, so that’s how things work! Fair enough.
Everything’s fair game when Sunny’s concerned!