These little glimpses into Vinnie’s past help us understand why he loathes Halloween so much! It looks like Vampa could still walk around at the time this happened!
These little glimpses into Vinnie’s past help us understand why he loathes Halloween so much! It looks like Vampa could still walk around at the time this happened!
Vampa is such a prankster
The original prankster!
Vampa is awesome!
Thanks, Bill!
Apparently, with those two around, Vinnie never had a chance.
It’s a bloody shame.
Vampa is revealed as the guy who inspired Sunny to become Sunny. At least now we know who is to blame for unleashing the inner beast. Shame on you Vampa!
I think it was there…he just piled on the fertilizer!
Vampa will rise again (out of the wheelchair)
Nothing would surprise me when it comes to that old codger!
Vampa, ever the kidder. The EVIL kidder!
He should put that bumper sticker on his coffin!
Now I see how Sunny got all her trickster moves. Vampa’s to blame!
She took to that ol’ geezer like fleas to a hound dog!
She was shocking before she was walking!
…and planning to shock in the womb!
Look! Matching shirts!
That’s about the only thing that matches!
Vampa’s a devious old creature.
A snake in the grass if there ever was one!