Bite it where the sun don’t shine, vampa.
He’ll have to put his fangs in first!
Are those pointy too?
Don’t go there….
Being a teen vampire really “sucks”.
It’s the suckiest!
Harsh words Vampa!
Harsh words from a harsh vampire!
Vinnie takes a direct hit below the belt!
Fortunately, he’s used to that!
He needs a job he can sink his teeth into!
I don’t think the blood bank is hiring.
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Bite it where the sun don’t shine, vampa.
He’ll have to put his fangs in first!
Are those pointy too?
Don’t go there….
Being a teen vampire really “sucks”.
It’s the suckiest!
Harsh words Vampa!
Harsh words from a harsh vampire!
Vinnie takes a direct hit below the belt!
Fortunately, he’s used to that!
He needs a job he can sink his teeth into!
I don’t think the blood bank is hiring.