Well at least he tried.
“A” for effort!
FYI…cracking off a couple of shotgun rounds has this effect. Not that I would know.
I’ll keep that in mind, Brad!
I don’t know, Bob seems pretty huggable – except for the fangs.
I think I’ll keep my distance…just to be on the safe side.
Such a friendly dog.
It’s in his blood!
It’s pretty impressive that he can scare vampires. Most dogs can only hope scare little kids and old people. And me, if they’re really mean.
I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse!
It’s his way of saying hi, how are you?
His really ruff way!
It wasn’t a howling success, but at least he tried.
Tried in his own way.
I guess she’s just not down for small talk, er…bark.
Must be a “cat” vampire
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Well at least he tried.
“A” for effort!
FYI…cracking off a couple of shotgun rounds has this effect. Not that I would know.
I’ll keep that in mind, Brad!
I don’t know, Bob seems pretty huggable – except for the fangs.
I think I’ll keep my distance…just to be on the safe side.
Such a friendly dog.
It’s in his blood!
It’s pretty impressive that he can scare vampires. Most dogs can only hope scare little kids and old people. And me, if they’re really mean.
I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse!
It’s his way of saying hi, how are you?
His really ruff way!
It wasn’t a howling success, but at least he tried.
Tried in his own way.
I guess she’s just not down for small talk, er…bark.
Must be a “cat” vampire