Spin the sign Vinnie, spin!! Well you have to start somewhere and at least this way he doesn’t have to put up with Uncle Fred much, and it get’s him a step closer to leaving come quitting time. Hey, I’m trying to find the Positive in the blood type here for ya Vinnie.
At least he didn’t have to wear the giant coffin costume.
It’s a good thing…he may have buried himself!
Man, that Fred is very literal!
That’s low, Uncle Fred! Like six feet under low!
He is Vampa’s son, afterall…
Spin the sign Vinnie, spin!! Well you have to start somewhere and at least this way he doesn’t have to put up with Uncle Fred much, and it get’s him a step closer to leaving come quitting time. Hey, I’m trying to find the Positive in the blood type here for ya Vinnie.
I appreciate your Positive attitude….Vinnie, on the other hand, seems to concentrate on the Negative!
Vinnie has graduated to being the “Clown Prince Of Coffins” , “The Poster Child For Caskets”, “The Sandwich Board Of Boxes”.
…and you, sir, are the “Duke of Comments!”
That’s even worse, I’m not sure if he’s breaking him in or just being cruel.
Vampires aren’t generally known for their compassion.
90 days same as cash. I’ll buy the day before I die
Haha! No humans allowed in the Coffin Emporium…sorry!
Now spin it around and dance like the guys on the corner do around here, Vinnie.
I don’t see “employee of the month” in his future…