Today’s comic was sent to me unsolicited by the one and only George Ford! This man creates one of the funniest comics out there, Addanac City. George has submitted guest art of Sunny to me before.
He has also used the likeness of Vampa to create a character for his comic.
To see the guest comic I created for George, click here.
Thanks, George, I appreciate your support and your hilarious comic!
No more Clot-sicles for you!
Oh no! The clot stops here!
Haha. Good one George.
George does have a knack for this kind of thing!
Great job! Like this comic.
Thank you for stopping by!
Thanks for posting this, Tim! I really enjoyed working on it and reading your wonderfully hilarious strip each edition!
The pleasure is all mine, George! Thanks for sending it my way!
Kids sure tell it like it is! Great job, George!
She can say whatever she wants… as long as she keeps her fang to herself!
Sunny has a sharp tongue as well as a sharp tooth.
How does George find time to do so MUCH great work! Wow!
George is a hardcore comic creator, Chris. I aspire to be like him when I grow up.
Well, I don’t wanna grow up. I’ll just aspire to be like him now.
Oh no! The clot stops here!
He’s a lean, mean comic making machine!
I’m foregoing sleep until I reach the afterlife, Chris!
That’s just a classy and elegant insult, quiet
I figured Sunny can do way more damage when you least expect it.
When I think of George I think “classy and elegant!”
At least you were dissed by the best, Ms. Abernathy! Fang-tastic job, George! Love your stake er, take on Tim’s world!
Thanks, Mark, but it’s no “reflection” on me. Sunny is just a great character to work with.
Ha, ha! Great job George! Sunny and Hank should hang out together!
Awesome job G!
Wow, you got Sunny’s voice down pat, George!