Belfry busts a move for Arbie! And Sunny needs a spanking! :OP
I never thought of Sunny getting a spanking before…think I’ll pass…
That’s brilliant, love this new story with Sunny’s pet fish Arbie! Fun that Belfrey was there as well. What a fun story :O)
Thanks, Paul!
That’s one perk of being Sunny’s pet, you get front row seating
It’s kinda like being at a Gallagher show…
Nice third panel. I didn’t see her hard grab the pole till after the fact.
Neither did Belfry!
Sunny isn’t mean or angry, she’s just a child with too much time on her hands. Perhaps having a second pet will calm her down. Yeah, fat chance of that!
Sunny’s the poster child for A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Demon)
If I were Belfy, I’d fly off into the sunset…
Unfortunately there was no window on that wall!
I think it’s called pet therapy. Vinnie’s idea of getting Sunny away from him for a while.
I’m sure Sunny’s saving up for something special for Vinnie!
Belfry has a front row seat on his own Hindenberg!
What a titanic mistake!
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Belfry busts a move for Arbie! And Sunny needs a spanking! :OP
I never thought of Sunny getting a spanking before…think I’ll pass…
That’s brilliant, love this new story with Sunny’s pet fish Arbie! Fun that Belfrey was there as well. What a fun story :O)
Thanks, Paul!
That’s one perk of being Sunny’s pet, you get front row seating
It’s kinda like being at a Gallagher show…
Nice third panel. I didn’t see her hard grab the pole till after the fact.
Neither did Belfry!
Sunny isn’t mean or angry, she’s just a child with too much time on her hands. Perhaps having a second pet will calm her down. Yeah, fat chance of that!
Sunny’s the poster child for A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Demon)
If I were Belfy, I’d fly off into the sunset…
Unfortunately there was no window on that wall!
I think it’s called pet therapy. Vinnie’s idea of getting Sunny away from him for a while.
I’m sure Sunny’s saving up for something special for Vinnie!
Belfry has a front row seat on his own Hindenberg!
What a titanic mistake!