Friday the 13th! III Jul13 by Tim on July 13, 2012 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics Although I have temporarily suspended Friday comics I just can’t resist Friday the 13th and neither can Sunny!
I’m staying inside, locking all the doors and only eating foods that you don’t have to chew lol.
What are you, some kinda chicken!?
Wikipedia rules!
Yes it does!
Love the look on her face in the second panel. Such demented glee!
Demented Glee….now there is a Fox show I would watch
Sounds like a killer show!
That’s Sunny in a nutshell!
Hahah, he looks so adorably terrified in the second panel! I love it!
That’s right kids, make sure to misbehave cause Jason will soon be coming down the chimney to leave you a severed head as a present!
Sunny is always prepared. Vinnie’s gonna have to do better.
Maybe someday he’ll kick the proverbial football