I’ve heard the rule doesn’t apply to sticky or wet things. Guess sunny doesn’t agree!
Human traditions never translate well in vampire circles!
Honestly, I was surprised it took her that long to jump on it!
She was upstairs when he dropped it…
I wouldn’t want blood to ruin my carpet so the 5 second rule does not apply here.
I think they have hardwoods downstairs just for that reason…no blood boxes allowed upstairs…
Do vampires have more like a Five YEAR Rule instead?
Hmmm…I guess that makes sense, George!
I’m surprised it even had time to hit the floor!
Maybe she’s still full from Heelslug!
Now that’s a slurpee.
That ain’t cherry flavored!
Club soda will get that out… No wait, we have Sunny!
Vampire saliva works wonders!
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I’ve heard the rule doesn’t apply to sticky or wet things. Guess sunny doesn’t agree!
Human traditions never translate well in vampire circles!
Honestly, I was surprised it took her that long to jump on it!
She was upstairs when he dropped it…
I wouldn’t want blood to ruin my carpet so the 5 second rule does not apply here.
I think they have hardwoods downstairs just for that reason…no blood boxes allowed upstairs…
Do vampires have more like a Five YEAR Rule instead?
Hmmm…I guess that makes sense, George!
I’m surprised it even had time to hit the floor!
Maybe she’s still full from Heelslug!
Now that’s a slurpee.
That ain’t cherry flavored!
Club soda will get that out… No wait, we have Sunny!
Vampire saliva works wonders!