She has the guilt trip down.
Six feet under!
Nobody can resist the old crawl into my coffin and cry myself to sleep line.
It’s a vampire classic!
I can tell you that older sisters loan you NOTHING.
I was forced to steal her stuff.
I had older sisters too, I feel your pain!
Nope, borrow never means have, Sunny. Not even for family members. But you do put on a cute sad face!
She has a lot to learn over the coming centuries!
Sunny, just steal the money next time. No false promise of return, no hurt feelings!
An afterlife of crime!
Sunny knows how to push Vinnie’s buttons like an ATM!
An automatic teller monster!
Now you’ll also somehow be in trouble for giving her money as well.
When it comes to Sunny, she multi-tasks trouble!
I hear it pays five bucks…
Trouble is a monkey Vinnie is comfortable carrying.
I want to see her cry herself to sleep in her coffin.
Calling her bluff, eh?
Moocher no but vinnie is a sucker and not the blood sucking type
All night sucker!
Hmph! Never woulda pegged Sunny to be the manipulative type! He said sarcastically
She played him like a trombone!
Yessss! Sunny sees the world thru mine own eyes.
Lending money to family is a pain for the living and the undead!
Sunny is like a toothpick through the heart!
…and those pesky splinters are heck to pick out of there!
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She has the guilt trip down.
Six feet under!
Nobody can resist the old crawl into my coffin and cry myself to sleep line.
It’s a vampire classic!
I can tell you that older sisters loan you NOTHING.
I was forced to steal her stuff.
I had older sisters too, I feel your pain!
Nope, borrow never means have, Sunny. Not even for family members. But you do put on a cute sad face!
She has a lot to learn over the coming centuries!
Sunny, just steal the money next time. No false promise of return, no hurt feelings!
An afterlife of crime!
Sunny knows how to push Vinnie’s buttons like an ATM!
An automatic teller monster!
Now you’ll also somehow be in trouble for giving her money as well.
When it comes to Sunny, she multi-tasks trouble!
I hear it pays five bucks…
Trouble is a monkey Vinnie is comfortable carrying.
I want to see her cry herself to sleep in her coffin.
Calling her bluff, eh?
Moocher no but vinnie is a sucker and not the blood sucking type
All night sucker!
Hmph! Never woulda pegged Sunny to be the manipulative type! He said sarcastically
She played him like a trombone!
Yessss! Sunny sees the world thru mine own eyes.
Lending money to family is a pain for the living and the undead!
Sunny is like a toothpick through the heart!
…and those pesky splinters are heck to pick out of there!