Face Time Aug14 by Tim on August 14, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics This isn’t the first time Vinnie has crossed paths with this guy, click here to check it out!
Bet Vinnie wasn’t expecting that!!
That would be a safe bet, Paul!
The bigger they are,
the harder they punch!
Just kick him in the fangs!
Maybe he should have…or at least play dead.
Some things are worth it.
At least vampires heal quickly. I hope he washes that eye before he pops it back in!
The Tough Guy act never worked for me either!
Same here, Joseph, I’ll never join a fight club!
Totally worth it.
Hopefully Val went in the shack before the beat down.
Vinnie can’t catch a break, now he’s going to have to hire Sunny for protection.
Sad but true!
Sometimes when we stand up for something, we wind up laying down in the end.
At least he tried!
He better get up soon or he’ll get docked some wages!
Wouldn’t that be salt in the wound!
He only has eye for you, Val!
Haha! You got that right…well, it was actually the left one…
That guy needs a hug…from a constrictor.
Squeeze him tight all through the night!