Dunked In Punishhment Feb17 by Tim on February 17, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics I felt the need to wrap up the Bob end of the story!
I’ll take the dollar deal!
Oh, wait…
I’m not sure if she’s clever or really bad at math!
Man what do I get for $2?
2 balls
Wait…let me break out the calculator…
The old Bob in the Bucket game, it’s a backyard carnival favorite.
…and a quick way to make a little smoothie money!
OOO, I’m next. I’ll take the four balls.
Good luck!
Yay! I dunked him! What’s my prize, Sunny?
The prize is dunking the dummy!
That’s one way to give him a bath!
Killing two birds with one stone!
Sunny is Karma-challenged.
She seems to be stake proof!
Wow, Sunny’s making Renny work pretty hard there!
He’s freakishly strong for such a little guy, I think it’s all the bugs….
Incidentally, the name “Vampa” is brilliant!
Thanks, P.J.!
Hopefully the contestants will be better at math than Sunny!
She’ll probably still get her way…
Man, I need to introduce Hank to Sunny. He could learn so much from her. If he survives, that is.
Maybehe could take Renny’s job!
Oh, poor Bob!
Vinnie will cut him down soon, Sunny just wanted to have a little fun first.