Dr. Sunny and Miss Inside Jul31 by Tim on July 31, 2013 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics This is the second comic in this story line. To start from the beginning, click here.
Ok just to let you know I do not want this recipe at all lol. This arc has to be one of my faves so far =D
Thanks, Kris!
I had to check my glasses twice, that’s a strong potion.
There’s nothing weaker about that beaker!
Well she already acts like Hyde
Mt thoughts exactly!
I’m sure Vinnie would say you don’t look any different either.
Haha! You’ll find that out Wednesday!
Aw, she looks EVEN cuter!!
Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder!
I’ll drink to that! What a makeover! Love the special effects, Tim!
Thanks, Mark! I had fun with this one!
(In my best Morris Albert voice) “Feelings, nothing more than feelings”…but… seeing is believing!
I believe that!
In a galaxy far far away, Yoda’s short a pint of blood!
At his small stature, I hope he can spare a pint!
Yeah, Tim, those hazy, blurry transformation panels are a nice touch. And thanks for letting us in on Hyde’s formula. Always wondered what it was. -v
Thanks, Vince. Sunny just took a shot in the dark!
So… Would that be a “nice” sunny?
I don’t think she’s made of sugar and spice or anything nice!