It could be worse, he could sing the theme from Different Strokes.
Don’t give Seymour any ideas!
“Take the good and take the ba-” Oh Lord make it stooooooop!
That’s one song you do NOT want stuck in your head!
I think Vinnie’s evil is wanting to kill Vampa and Seymour right now!
I think you’re right
Getting a bad song stuck in your head is a curse that rivals voodoo!
Mrs. Garrett was a voodoo priestess if there ever was one!
Mrs. Garrett was up to no good after hours!
Great…now that is going to be in my head all day.
I knew I’d catch hell for this cartoon
Aargh! That’s true evil right there
That’s no lie!
That song is permanently in my head now. And I had only recently gotten rid of it.
Vampa appreciates you sharing in his misery
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It could be worse, he could sing the theme from Different Strokes.
Don’t give Seymour any ideas!
“Take the good and take the ba-” Oh Lord make it stooooooop!
That’s one song you do NOT want stuck in your head!
I think Vinnie’s evil is wanting to kill Vampa and Seymour right now!
I think you’re right
Getting a bad song stuck in your head is a curse that rivals voodoo!
Mrs. Garrett was a voodoo priestess if there ever was one!
Mrs. Garrett was up to no good after hours!
Great…now that is going to be in my head all day.
I knew I’d catch hell for this cartoon
Aargh! That’s true evil right there
That’s no lie!
That song is permanently in my head now. And I had only recently gotten rid of it.
Vampa appreciates you sharing in his misery