I’ll take your defense! Vampire bats almost NEVER feed on humans (yes, possible but rare). Spreading disease, though, I fear is a reality of all blood drinkers.
What’s even worse is that people associate the presence of bats as a sign of mental instability as in the expression “he has bats in his belfry” or in this case “Belfry is just batty”.
I’ll take your defense! Vampire bats almost NEVER feed on humans (yes, possible but rare). Spreading disease, though, I fear is a reality of all blood drinkers.
This poor species gets a pretty bad rap for sure Michael!
What’s even worse is that people associate the presence of bats as a sign of mental instability as in the expression “he has bats in his belfry” or in this case “Belfry is just batty”.
Haha! That’s exactly why Vinnie named him that!
I’m not worried about the bad rap or what they are associated with. I just don’t want them to drop bugs in my hair when they fly over me.
Vampire bats wouldn’t do that, they live on an all blood diet!
Yes. The blood that was sucked up by the mosquitoes!
Don’t worry about the spreading of disease Belfry. I know “YOU” would never do such a thing.
He’s very hygienic!
Belfry, You’re as good as gold in my book!
Even though he’ll never be a master debater…wait, that sounds wrong…
Can you say pestilence? Aww, we love ya anyway, Belfry!
He’s a stinker…but a clean stinker!
Poor Belfry, he debated himself into a corner! He’ll have to practice!
It’s okay…he loves to listen to himself talk!
Is it weird that I suck the blood of vampire bats? Ah, then forget I brought it up.
He was doing great until he played the disease & infection card.
Two outta three ain’t bad!