Cock A Doodle Don’t Aug13 by Tim on August 13, 2012 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics It’s time for another school year to begin! To all you students, teachers and staff out there, have a great year!
Going back to school just bites!
I’m with you on that one! Definite bone of contention around here!
Up at the crack of dusk!
Yep! Big pain in the neck!
“Can’t I sleep in ’till the moon is quarter full?”
No sleeping in allowed!
Didn’t know that town had night classes
Yep. Only difference is high school is 40 years!
The new school year always starts too soon!
That’s one thing everyone can agree on!
I guess Bob is not a “morning” person
…or afternoon or evening…
I think his bite is just as harsh as his howl!
It’s quite alarming!
Um…. (gulp) …ok…
Bob never threats, he promises!