That clerk is one scoop shy of a full basket.
Only the best and brightest can manage Dracoola’s Smoothie Shack!
Ha, ha, that’s great! I expect all the customers will miss being served by Vinnie at Dracoola’s. Really enjoyed this story!
Thanks, Paul! I expect that Dracoola’s will pop up from time to time.
Must be the leather
Your guess is good as mine!
Makes ya wonder what other lives Vinnie’s had? What about Sunny? The mind boggles…
Whoa, bro! You and Eugene should talk…
Someone’s missing a few flintlock balls…
That’s one way of saying it…
I know a guy who insists that he fougth in that war. He swears by it so much that we don’t even question it anymore… #for_real
Wow! Truth really is stranger than fiction!
And I thought MY former bosses were crazy. Maybe Vinnie can used this guy’s lunacy to get his job back.
It just may happen! Eugene isn’t the sharpest blade in the smoothie blender…
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That clerk is one scoop shy of a full basket.
Only the best and brightest can manage Dracoola’s Smoothie Shack!
Ha, ha, that’s great! I expect all the customers will miss being served by Vinnie at Dracoola’s. Really enjoyed this story!
Thanks, Paul! I expect that Dracoola’s will pop up from time to time.
Must be the leather
Your guess is good as mine!
Makes ya wonder what other lives Vinnie’s had? What about Sunny? The mind boggles…
Whoa, bro! You and Eugene should talk…
Someone’s missing a few flintlock balls…
That’s one way of saying it…
I know a guy who insists that he fougth in that war. He swears by it so much that we don’t even question it anymore… #for_real
Wow! Truth really is stranger than fiction!
And I thought MY former bosses were crazy. Maybe Vinnie can used this guy’s lunacy to get his job back.
It just may happen! Eugene isn’t the sharpest blade in the smoothie blender…