Man, until now I never thought about that, could vampires actually become diabetic, I mean they naturally suffer from anemia so I guess anythings possible.
Stand back and we’ll see what happens to Sunny!
Vampires never suffer from obesity, you ever seen a fat vampire? I rest my case.
That cereal is fat free!
Has she tried Super Sweet Crunchy Clots with marshmellow coffin nails?
Next time!
Careful, you don’t want your tooth to fall out after eating too much of that stuff. A vampire needs their teeth!
It would be really hard to gum a neck!
So sweet, it’ll rot your sweet tooth out..immediately!
Protect the fangs at all cost!
No anemics here!
Well said!
I still bet it’s healthier than 99% of the breakfast crap that is out there.
I say that’s a safe bet!
Well, at least you know she’s getting all the iron she needs.
She needs to get her iron so she’ll have the strength to smash Vinnie with an iron!
Cool then it is extra sweet.
I imagine it would be room temperature.
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Man, until now I never thought about that, could vampires actually become diabetic, I mean they naturally suffer from anemia so I guess anythings possible.
Stand back and we’ll see what happens to Sunny!
Vampires never suffer from obesity, you ever seen a fat vampire? I rest my case.
That cereal is fat free!
Has she tried Super Sweet Crunchy Clots with marshmellow coffin nails?
Next time!
Careful, you don’t want your tooth to fall out after eating too much of that stuff. A vampire needs their teeth!
It would be really hard to gum a neck!
So sweet, it’ll rot your sweet tooth out..immediately!
Protect the fangs at all cost!
No anemics here!
Well said!
I still bet it’s healthier than 99% of the breakfast crap that is out there.
I say that’s a safe bet!
Well, at least you know she’s getting all the iron she needs.
She needs to get her iron so she’ll have the strength to smash Vinnie with an iron!
Cool then it is extra sweet.
I imagine it would be room temperature.