Bugs Feb06 by Tim on February 6, 2013 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics This is the second comic in the series, to start from the beginning, click here.
Especially gross to a vampire.
Sunny isn’t a fan of the creepy crawlies!
It’s something she isn’t proud of!
You might think that bug goo is disgusting but it’s snot.
I didn’t intend to offend you, oh master of the bug goo!
He creeped Sunny out? There is something special about this kid.
It’s definitely an unholy bond!
The weird kid in school…just got weirder!
He reminds me of Oliver from the Brady Bunch on chemo!
Wash it all down with a glass of beetle juice.
Don’t say that two more times!
beetle juice.
What every growing boy needs.
The creamy centre really is the best part of the bug.
I’m sure he gets an assorted box every Valentine’s Day!
That’s what I love about egg rolls
Next time I eat an egg roll I’m sure I’ll remember this conversation!
If I could get him to get rid of all spiders, I’d make him Head Lackey.
Give him a fork and get out of the way!
He’d love it here in Australia… there’s bugs everywhere you look
All you can eat buffet!
I knew that kid. I went to school with that kid. He looked just like me. He ate bugs, so naturally, since I looked like him, they thought I ate bugs too. Gotta go finish my bowl of bugs…