Boredom Feb24 by Tim on February 24, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics Don’t forget, folks, no new comic on Wednesday. I’ll see you on Thursday with an all new comic!
Sorry mom, but I really wouldn’t want to steal Vinnie’s jobs.
Never say you’re bored around Mom…it’s an automatic response.
Even Undead moms wanna play that card?
Moms are pretty much universal…
Strange, I think Sunny is channeling my daughter!
Let’s hope the opposite doesn’t happen!
Always an alternative that is worse
Yes, boredom is reserved for lazy people!
sounds like MY kids.
Sounds like most kids!
I suddenly have the urge to call my mother and yell at her over nothing.
Please don’t! I don’t need that guilt!
My kids are the same way!
They’re all that way!
Boredom has it’s limitations!
Boredom is connected to the butt bone!
Go out and bite someone, kid.
She’s being a pain in the neck!
Mom sounds like my wife on the weekends. Sorry, honey, but I ain’t THAT bored.
Haha…I hear ya, George!