We can all feel a little unappreciated from time to time. It’s important to let those around you know that you appreciate the things they do. You may not want to buy them a chew bone, that could send the wrong message, but a few kind words is nice to hear every now and then.
Even the fiercest of us just want a tight hug.
You know it
We feel for ya, Bob, but Vampa’s leg bone is out of the question.
I’m sure the thought has crossed Bob’s mind!
Bob is my dawg!
Careful, Bob has been known to bite the hand that feeds him!
No in fact it is a very reasonable desire Bobby boy
Just NEVER baby talk him!
Hell hounds get no respect.
He should’ve been named Rodney!
Agree with George, perhaps he just needs a hug and is in denial of such, and replaces hug with bone in his head? OR maybe the dang dog wants a dang bone y’all!