Spiders are wrong. Especially when held at face level.
Eight legs are better than ate legs!
I’m with Bob on this issue.
Yeah, even a vicious guard dog has to have his limits!
I see Renny is already starting to bug bob!
It doesn’t take much to get under his skin!
I don’t like spiders or palmetto bugs.
I never got into the creepy crawlers either!
Renny is far creeper than that spider. The boy has bugger eater written all over himself.
I agree!
His weakness revealed!
Spiders not on me don’t bug me.
That doesn’t sound like too bad of a cross to “bear”.
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Spiders are wrong. Especially when held at face level.
Eight legs are better than ate legs!
I’m with Bob on this issue.
Yeah, even a vicious guard dog has to have his limits!
I see Renny is already starting to bug bob!
It doesn’t take much to get under his skin!
I don’t like spiders or palmetto bugs.
I never got into the creepy crawlers either!
Renny is far creeper than that spider. The boy has bugger eater written all over himself.
I agree!
His weakness revealed!
Spiders not on me don’t bug me.
That doesn’t sound like too bad of a cross to “bear”.