Blood Pop Jan19 by Tim on January 19, 2015 at 3:01 am How many of you guys remember the commercial from the early seventies with the owl and the kid with the Tootsie Roll Pop? If you don’t, click the image below to check it out!
YES! This commercial always meant it was Saturday morning for me!!!
I lived for Saturdays back then!
Yuk just the thought of a blod pop makes me squirm
I know! Just the thought of what’s in the center…
It’s a dagnab shame…
That next fang takes a few decades.
Let’s hope for Vinnie’s sake!
One…two-hoo-hoo…three! Crack!!
That owl was a hoot!
That commercial came on even when I was a kid!
Yeah! They seemed to throw that commercial in rotation every few years!
The real question is what do you find in the center of a blood pop ? tootsie roll candy, or boogers and mucus
I hope to never find out!
I still recite that commercial today!
It is a bonafide classic!
The question is, what IS at the center of a Bloodpop?
The world should never know…