I wonder if the little straws are hard to get into blood boxes, or if they’re more like a stake through the heart.
Hmmm. That’s certainly food for thought!
I wonder how they drink from straws without putting holes in them with their teeth
You got me there, Bearman…the Devil’s in the details!
In Vampa’s day you had to actually hunt, while in Vinnie’s day you just go to the Stop N Go for snacks.
Love seeing Vinnie return, and just in time to set Vampa up for a perfect punchline!
Thank, Pat! Vampa’s always ready to give Vinnie the perfect punch!
Vampa definitely knows “dumb” when he hears it! Or he should, anyway. What I’m saying is he’s “bloody” dumb.
That’s the worst kind of dumb!
Vampa’s hearing is about as keen as his bite. Love Vinnie’s expressions!
I don’t think pasteurized is in his vocabulary! Thanks, Mark!
That part made me laugh when he thought he said, “Past your eyes!” XD
His hearing aid batteries are as dead as he is.
Vinnie looks so rumpled in the morning, yet Vampa’s fresh as a daisy as usual.
He’s about as fresh as a 900 year old daisy can get!
I like to hunt my food too, right at the grocery store.
I like to sneak up on the produce…it’s fun!
Watch out for the Kumquats!
They’ll get you every time!
I wonder what Vampa would think of organic in a box? haha!
The only organic he wants is straight from the vein!
Do they ever come in the brand-name of “Capri Moon”?
That’s a good one George! Ha!
I love vinnie’s “coffin hair”
It’s a tangled mess I weave!
Vampa also had to walk five miles up hill both ways every day just to get his victim!
In the snow, bare feet too!
The good old times! I remember when we use to chase the cows to milk them!
I’m sure Vampa used to chase cows too…
Once I went to my uncle’s ranch, and he squirted goat milk directly into my mouth, straight from the teet!
The only way to get it fresher is to suckle!
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I wonder if the little straws are hard to get into blood boxes, or if they’re more like a stake through the heart.
Hmmm. That’s certainly food for thought!
I wonder how they drink from straws without putting holes in them with their teeth
You got me there, Bearman…the Devil’s in the details!
In Vampa’s day you had to actually hunt, while in Vinnie’s day you just go to the Stop N Go for snacks.
Love seeing Vinnie return, and just in time to set Vampa up for a perfect punchline!
Thank, Pat! Vampa’s always ready to give Vinnie the perfect punch!
Vampa definitely knows “dumb” when he hears it! Or he should, anyway. What I’m saying is he’s “bloody” dumb.
That’s the worst kind of dumb!
Vampa’s hearing is about as keen as his bite. Love Vinnie’s expressions!
I don’t think pasteurized is in his vocabulary! Thanks, Mark!
That part made me laugh when he thought he said, “Past your eyes!” XD
His hearing aid batteries are as dead as he is.
Vinnie looks so rumpled in the morning, yet Vampa’s fresh as a daisy as usual.
He’s about as fresh as a 900 year old daisy can get!
I like to hunt my food too, right at the grocery store.
I like to sneak up on the produce…it’s fun!
Watch out for the Kumquats!
They’ll get you every time!
I wonder what Vampa would think of organic in a box? haha!
The only organic he wants is straight from the vein!
Do they ever come in the brand-name of “Capri Moon”?
That’s a good one George! Ha!
I love vinnie’s “coffin hair”
It’s a tangled mess I weave!
Vampa also had to walk five miles up hill both ways every day just to get his victim!
In the snow, bare feet too!
The good old times! I remember when we use to chase the cows to milk them!
I’m sure Vampa used to chase cows too…
Once I went to my uncle’s ranch, and he squirted goat milk directly into my mouth, straight from the teet!
The only way to get it fresher is to suckle!