Elizabeth “Erzsebet” Bathory was a Slovakian countess who lived in the mid 16th to the early 17th centuries. She is said to be one the most prolific killers in world history. With the aid of her servants, the countess tortured and murdered hundreds of young female peasants and bathed in their blood to preserve her youth and beauty. She sounds like Vampa’s kind of girl! To read more about the blood countess click here.
Haha! What a brilliant comic!
Reminds me of that scene from family guy where they drink ipecac. The look on Vinnie and Sunny’s face in the last panel is priceless!
I loved that episode of Family Guy!
Oh god, throwing up is one of my least favorite things ever! And I didn’t even think about the fact that vampires puke blood. ICK!
Sorry about putting that in your head!
Just seeing barf makes me barf
Vinnie knows the feeling!
I bet Vampa has a lotta cool stories her can tell. I’ve heard of Bathory before, and she ain’t no joke.
Every now and then Vampa gives a small snippet from his past. It was a colorful and gory afterlife…
A hot date with the Countess would make anybody’s blood run cold!
Vampa’s proof of that!
Wonderfully gross! And now I have a little extra curricular reading to do on the countess.
I’m glad my comic is entertaining AND educational today!
Man, your comic has everyone seeing red!
As it should be!!!
Clean up on aisle three! And four! And most of five and six!
It’s like a scene outta “Hostel!”
I always suspected Vampa was a bit freaky.
King of the freaks!
I think I saw a dead kitten in the blood vomit.
Wouldn’t surprise me!
I’m sure I saw a scene like this in “Guest House Paradiso”….except it was green vomit from what I remember.
Haven’t seen that movie yet, is it a comedy?
I think I heard of Bathory on one of those “Believe it or Not” shows. It makes me hear Jack Palance’s voice.
Yeah, I think I vaguely remember that show!
The case has led to false, yet legendary, accounts of the Countess bathing in the blood of virgins in order to retain her youth. These stories have led to comparisons with Vlad III the Impaler of Wallachia, on whom the fictional Count Dracula is partly based, and to modern nicknames of the Blood Countess and Countess Dracula.
Thanks for the info!