But, maybe one day ……
Maybe she should try again.
She’s got plenty of time!
I dunno, I think she can do it if she keeps trying!
Stranger things have happened under that roof.
The living dead Vs the stuffed, next round she will take on Mr. Potato Head.
My money’s on Abby!
When you stare into the Abby, the abyss stares back at you, Sunny.
That must be what makes her blink!
Don’t blink our it might come to life! (little Doctor Who reference!)
Never watched it!
She may actually be a winner. I’ve never really seen her blink come to think of it.
It’s rare to see a comic character blink!
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But, maybe one day ……
Maybe she should try again.
She’s got plenty of time!
I dunno, I think she can do it if she keeps trying!
Stranger things have happened under that roof.
The living dead Vs the stuffed, next round she will take on Mr. Potato Head.
My money’s on Abby!
When you stare into the Abby, the abyss stares back at you, Sunny.
That must be what makes her blink!
Don’t blink our it might come to life! (little Doctor Who reference!)
Never watched it!
She may actually be a winner. I’ve never really seen her blink come to think of it.
It’s rare to see a comic character blink!