Belfry Makes His Move May18 by Tim on May 18, 2012 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comics The heart can be broken and so can the body!
Sticks and stones do hurt more…ouch.
Belfry will feel it tomorrow, for sure!
They always say “Love hurts” but this is taking it a little to far!
Sunny takes it to a whole new level.
Hmmm…I wonder if Peta’s coverage includes vampire bats?
Belfry needs some different pick-up lines!
He needs new pick-ups period!
Aww… poor Belfry! Love hurts indeed… Great expressions in this strip, Tim
Thanks, Marieke!
PETA helps animals of all kind. Even the undead type.
broken bats to zombie zebras…
Looks like the Bat got batted!
Deep sinner field!:)