Belfry Doesn’t Do Windows… Feb03 by Tim on February 3, 2014 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics To start from the beginning of this story line click, here.
When your little, sometimes being a battering ram is the only way to get attention!
Getting attention is no small task!
He really whacked up some attention!
In his own wacky way!
Belfry’s flesh couldn’t be any more bruised than his pride!
This is true!
Belfry to the rescue!!!! That was brilliant!
Thanks, Paul!
Mission accomplished! However, we do have a casualty! :OP
Bat down!
And now for another episode of dumb and dumber.
I hope they’re smart enough to pull this off!
Maybe Mac would work better for him?
Haha…I see what you did there…
Bruised flesh sounds good except on steak
At least you know it’s tenderized!
Where’s a good air traffic controller when you need one?
Hopefully all the good ones are at the airport!
I think Belfry needs a helmet
That’s not a bad idea!
Plan A always works.
Stick with your gut!