Duck Season! Rabbit Season!
You’re despicable…
I’m sure he is still sore that some squirrels get called “flying”. Only one flying mammals, chumps!
Yeah, Michael, those cute, fluffy tails gives them a leg up!
Talk about your final embrace!
He calls it crunch time!
Of Squirrels and Men – I mean Monsters…
I would read that book!
Maybe squirrels have musical bones?
They play very nutty notes!
Urg likes the Snap, Crackle, Pop in the morning!
Squirrels stay crunchy in milk.
Poor Belfry has a bad case of rodent envy.
He’s jealous of those cute, fuzzy tails.
Squirrel ka-bobs, anyone?
Oh boy, my favorite!
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Duck Season!
Rabbit Season!
You’re despicable…
I’m sure he is still sore that some squirrels get called “flying”. Only one flying mammals, chumps!
Yeah, Michael, those cute, fluffy tails gives them a leg up!
Talk about your final embrace!
He calls it crunch time!
Of Squirrels and Men – I mean Monsters…
I would read that book!
Maybe squirrels have musical bones?
They play very nutty notes!
Urg likes the Snap, Crackle, Pop in the morning!
Squirrels stay crunchy in milk.
Poor Belfry has a bad case of rodent envy.
He’s jealous of those cute, fuzzy tails.
Squirrel ka-bobs, anyone?
Oh boy, my favorite!