Does Belfry eat donut holes? I find the make me feel better when I am feeling low.
I believe vampire bats are a “blood only” mammal.
The hole just sucks you right in!
That really sucks for Belfry!
The hole is made of the sum of all its parts, which in this case is mostly Belfry.
He’s depressed enough, I won’t tell him just hole filler.
Sometimes, it takes YOU to fill the hole in your life.
That’s deep, very deep…watch your step!
Wings, young sir, wings!
He really shouldn’t let them drag on the ground like that.
Sometimes the answer just presents itself! Even if it’s the wrong one.
Ask and ye shall receive!
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Does Belfry eat donut holes? I find the make me feel better when I am feeling low.
I believe vampire bats are a “blood only” mammal.
The hole just sucks you right in!
That really sucks for Belfry!
The hole is made of the sum of all its parts, which in this case is mostly Belfry.
He’s depressed enough, I won’t tell him just hole filler.
Sometimes, it takes YOU to fill the hole in your life.
That’s deep, very deep…watch your step!
Wings, young sir, wings!
He really shouldn’t let them drag on the ground like that.
Sometimes the answer just presents itself! Even if it’s the wrong one.
Ask and ye shall receive!