Fried blood is no fried bologna, in fact fried blood is not even grilled bologna, in fact Oscar Mayer doesn’t even sell fried blood, which should be telling you something about it.
I keep coming here on Wednesday, forgetting you changed your update schedule. No matter. I’ll just read Monday’s comic again and leave with a smile until tomorrow. : )
mmmmmmmm… sounds very umm tasty but what else do you have on the menu?
Unfortunately, vampires have a very limited menu.
Is this the end of Urg? Oh no.
Not quite yet…
Fried blood is no fried bologna, in fact fried blood is not even grilled bologna, in fact Oscar Mayer doesn’t even sell fried blood, which should be telling you something about it.
I think Oscar Mayer was human, that’s probably the reason for that!
I wonder if they’ve heard of black pudding? They might like it!
Joseph suggested that too! I’ll have to see if I can’t work that into a comic!
There Shall be Blood. Fritters.
I can’t wait for that movie to come out!
Can’t you add the blood to butter and flour and make a rue?
You try that and let me know…
Mmmm, Cajun style!
Haha! I’m sure New Orleans has it’s share of vampire chefs!
Bad blood, bad blood…what’cha gonna do…???
That deep fryer’s gotta be good for something. What do vampires eat on the side?
Usually a scoop of blood sorbet for dessert.
Well that means he is safe for now.
There’s more than one way to skin a butler!
They served black pudding at a bar I worked in. It’s blood sausage. Vinnie would love it!
Mom should put that one in her recipe book!
I keep coming here on Wednesday, forgetting you changed your update schedule. No matter. I’ll just read Monday’s comic again and leave with a smile until tomorrow. : )
Thanks, Vince, stop by anytime!