Tasty! Now we know why Urg only has one snaggletooth.
4 out of 5 dentist do not recommend opening jars with your mouth!
Urg should just be thankful Vampa didn’t have him apply the pads to the infected areas….
Yikes! I shudder at the thought…
Big and green doesn’t always mean strong? Maybe the Hulk’s power’s are exaggerated?
The Hulk is green from gamma rays. Urg is green from skin decay.
Well you can still put it around your eyes to remove all those wrinkles!
That’s what I’ll tell the cashier at the pharmacy next time I pick some up!
Ahh…the soothing relief. (NOT THAT I WOULD NEED THEM)
Are you the guy that wears sunglasses inside the pharmacy?
That’s how I am when I try to open the pickle jar.
Tap the rim of the jar with butter knife and save your teeth!
The jar lost that battle, but it was close.
The war against hemorrhoids is a terrible thing.
The slobber is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
It could also be a skin melting acid…
I second that….
I third that!
Vampa shouldn’t be so quick to judge, for all he knows Urg spit has medicinal qualities!
You can’t teach and old vampire new tricks!
The cure is worse than the itch!
The lesson learned here? Open your own jars!
I’d rather have that flare up than Urg!
I can’t argue with that logic!
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Tasty! Now we know why Urg only has one snaggletooth.
4 out of 5 dentist do not recommend opening jars with your mouth!
Urg should just be thankful Vampa didn’t have him apply the pads to the infected areas….
Yikes! I shudder at the thought…
Big and green doesn’t always mean strong? Maybe the Hulk’s power’s are exaggerated?
The Hulk is green from gamma rays. Urg is green from skin decay.
Well you can still put it around your eyes to remove all those wrinkles!
That’s what I’ll tell the cashier at the pharmacy next time I pick some up!
Ahh…the soothing relief. (NOT THAT I WOULD NEED THEM)
Are you the guy that wears sunglasses inside the pharmacy?
That’s how I am when I try to open the pickle jar.
Tap the rim of the jar with butter knife and save your teeth!
The jar lost that battle, but it was close.
The war against hemorrhoids is a terrible thing.
The slobber is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
It could also be a skin melting acid…
I second that….
I third that!
Vampa shouldn’t be so quick to judge, for all he knows Urg spit has medicinal qualities!
You can’t teach and old vampire new tricks!
The cure is worse than the itch!
The lesson learned here? Open your own jars!
I’d rather have that flare up than Urg!
I can’t argue with that logic!