That joke was bad. Let me hear you say “eye” if you agree!!
I think every day is April’s Fools day with Sunny.
So very true!
Great balls of fire! She just rocked his world.
She’s getting ready for the major leagues!
Sunny takes her April Fool’s very seriously.
I guess that’s her cross to bear!
Ewww…lick that thing off and put it back
Now I’ve got that visual stuck in my head…thanks!
I think that April Fool’s Day is Sunny’s second favorite holiday after Halloween.
Followed closely by Friday the 13th!
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That joke was bad. Let me hear you say “eye” if you agree!!
I think every day is April’s Fools day with Sunny.
So very true!
Great balls of fire! She just rocked his world.
She’s getting ready for the major leagues!
Sunny takes her April Fool’s very seriously.
I guess that’s her cross to bear!
Ewww…lick that thing off and put it back
Now I’ve got that visual stuck in my head…thanks!
I think that April Fool’s Day is Sunny’s second favorite holiday after Halloween.
Followed closely by Friday the 13th!