Animal Crackers Apr08 by Tim on April 8, 2013 at 3:01 am Chapter: Comics This comic is the third in the series. To start from the beginning click here.
Bob knows, the key is being flexible on where you take a stand.
Well, this is one area he has a firm stand on!
The real trick is not to step in the endangered species.
Yeah, it’s heck getting that off your shoes!
I guess the World Wildlife Fund won’t be getting in touch with Bob to be their spokesdog anytime soon!
Bob’s holding out for PETA.
Bob is stepping up his wild game for this competition.
It’s an amazing feet!
Hey Bob, Was does a California condor taste like?
It’s a cross between a spotted owl and a baby seal!
Ha, ha! That was good (and tender).
I usually try not to step on my food…
That is a good rule to follow!