Ha! That’s siblings…!
Through and through…
Preferably that patch in Uruguay.
Haha! You must belong to camp “Vinnie”!
Vinnie sure can carve when he needs to!
I let him slip one in every now and then!
Ha, ha! I got a good laugh out of this one Tim!
Thanks, Bill!
Nice Vinnie got a nice jab on Sunny. He better watch out for Sunny’s left hook!
Pow! Right in the kisser!
Vinnie has been practicing his stand up routine again
It usually falls flat!
When an opportunity arises to pay out on a sibling you have to snatch it with both hands. You never know how long it may be before the next opportunity comes calling
These opportunities don’t come along very often for Vinnie!
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Ha! That’s siblings…!
Through and through…
Preferably that patch in Uruguay.
Haha! You must belong to camp “Vinnie”!
Vinnie sure can carve when he needs to!
I let him slip one in every now and then!
Ha, ha! I got a good laugh out of this one Tim!
Thanks, Bill!
Nice Vinnie got a nice jab on Sunny. He better watch out for Sunny’s left hook!
Pow! Right in the kisser!
Vinnie has been practicing his stand up routine again
It usually falls flat!
When an opportunity arises to pay out on a sibling you have to snatch it with both hands. You never know how long it may be before the next opportunity comes calling
These opportunities don’t come along very often for Vinnie!