I foresee quite a career trajectory for Sunny!
Her guidance counselor will be so proud!
With multitasking you can slice AND dice!
Sounds like a quote from an infomercial!
Go for the Axe, it’s much quicker and a little bit more fun!
She must not have seen “The Shining” yet…
I’m sure when Sunny gets a few more years under her belt she’ll come to the realization that she doesn’t need to choose one weapon over another when the combination of the two works so efficiently.
That’s brilliant thinking, Vince!
Vinnie should have seen that one coming! :OP
They just think on two very different wavelengths!
I guess it was only a matter of time before Sunny took a STAB at getting a head!
Haha, Rich, you can CUT it out now…
Hard choice Tim. The machete is good for a speedy decapitation whereas the axe has more neck bone cutting power
She has the strength to use either, I think she should take Vince’s idea and use both!
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I foresee quite a career trajectory for Sunny!
Her guidance counselor will be so proud!
With multitasking you can slice AND dice!
Sounds like a quote from an infomercial!
Go for the Axe, it’s much quicker and a little bit more fun!
She must not have seen “The Shining” yet…
I’m sure when Sunny gets a few more years under her belt she’ll come to the realization that she doesn’t need to choose one weapon over another when the combination of the two works so efficiently.
That’s brilliant thinking, Vince!
Vinnie should have seen that one coming! :OP
They just think on two very different wavelengths!
I guess it was only a matter of time before Sunny took a STAB at getting a head!
Haha, Rich, you can CUT it out now…
Hard choice Tim. The machete is good for a speedy decapitation whereas the axe has more neck bone cutting power
She has the strength to use either, I think she should take Vince’s idea and use both!